Riferimenti bibliografici apparati
AA African Arts
AFN Arts de l'Afrique Noire
ATKINS 1972 G. Atkins, Manding Art and Civilisation,
London, British Museum, Department of Ethnography, 1972
BERJONNEAU-SONNERY 1987 G. Berjonneau, J.L. Sonnery, Rediscovered Masterpieces of African Art,
Boulogne, Art 135, 1987
BLANDIN 1992 A. Blandin, "Fer noir", Marignane, 1992
DAPPER 1994 Dogon, cat. dell'esposizione presso Museé
Dapper, Paris, 26 ottobre 1994-14 marzo 1995
DE GRUNNE 1980 B. de Grunne, Terres cuites anciennes de l'ouest africain, Louvain La
Neuve, Institut Supérieur d'Archéologie et d'Histoire de l'Art, 1980
ELISOFON-FAGG 1958 E. Elisofon, W. Fagg, The sculpture of Africa, New York, Hacker Art
Books, 1978
FONDATION DAPPER 1987 Rediscovered masterpieces of african art, a cura della Fondation
Dapper, Boulogne, Art 135, 1978
FRY 1974 J. Fry, Masques sans mascarades, Halifax, Galerie d'Art de
l'Université Dalhousie, 1974
GOLDWATER 1964 R. Goldwater, Senufo Sculpture from West Africa, The Museum of Primitive Art, New York, 1964
GRIAULE 1938 M. Griaule, Masques Dogon, Paris 1938
ISRAEL MUSEUM 1967 Masterpieces of african art. Tishman collection,
Jerusalem, The Israel Museum, 1967
KAMER 1971 Magic African Art, catalogo Kamer Gallery, New York, 1971
KAMER 1973 Arte negra, catalogo Galleria Silenus, a cura di H.
Kamer, Roma, 1973
KERCHACHE 1986 J. Kerchache, Scultura Africana,
Roma-Milano, 1986
KERCHACHE 1988 J. Kerchache, J.-L. Paudrat, L. Stéphan, L'art africain,
Citadelles, édition S.A., 1988
LANGLOIS 1954 P. Langlois, Art soudanais. Tribus Dogons, Bruxelles, Ed. de la
Connaissance, 1954
LAUDE 1966 J. Laude, Les Arts de l'Afrique Noire, Paris 1966
LAUDE 1973 J. Laude, African Art of the Dogon, Brooklyn
Museum, New York, 1973
LELOUP 1994 H. Leloup et alii, Dogon Statuary, Strasbourg, édition
Amez, 1994
LEUZINGER 1972 E. Leuzinger, L'arte dell'Africa Nera,
Gorlich, Milano, 1972
LEIRIS-DELANGE 1967 M. Leiris, J. Delange, Africa nera. La creazione plastica, Milano,
Rizzoli, 1967
M.A.A.Wa. 1971 The de Havenon Collection, Museum of African Art, Washington D.C., 1971
M.A.A.Wa. 1974 Tribute to Africa. the Photography and the Collection of Eliot Elisofon, Museum of African Art, Washington D.C., 1971
M.A.A.Wa. 1976 The Language of African Art, Museum of African Art, Washington
DC., 1976
M.P.A. 1962 The John and Dominique de Menil Collection, Museum of Primitive Art, New York, 1962
M.P.A 1973 Robert Goldwater. A memorial exhibition, Museum of Primitive Art, New York, 1973
MASSA 1996 G. Massa, Sculpture animalières d'Afrique noire, Sépia, 1996
McLEOD 1980 M. McLeod, Treasures of african art, New York, Abbeville Press, 1980
McNAUGHTON 1988 P.R. McNaughton, The Mande blacksmiths, Bloomintonand Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1988
N'DIAYE 1994 F. N'diaye, Arts et peuples du Mali, Amiens, 1994
NUMAGA 1973 Les Tellem et les Dogon (Mali), cat. dell'esposizione presso Galerie
Numaga, 9 giugno-25 agosto 1973
ROY 1979 C.D. Roy, Africain Sculpture. The Stanley collection,
cat. The University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, 1979
ROY 1981 C.D. Roy, African Art from Iowa Private Collection, catalogo The University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, 1981
RIVIERE 1975 M. Rivière, Les chefs-d'ouvre africains des collections privees françaises, Paris, Edition
Philbi, 1975
ROBBINS/INGRAM-NOOTER 1989 W.M. Robbins, N. Ingram-Nooter, African in American Collections,
Washington-London, Smithsonian Institut Press, 1989
SEGY 1976 L. Segy, Masks of Black Africa, New York, Dover Pubblications
Inc., 1976
SIEBER-WALKER 1987 R. Sieber, R.A. Walker, African Art in the Cycle of Life, National Museum of African Art, Washington
D.C.-London, 1987
SWEENEY 1976 J.J. Sweeney, African Sculpture, Princeton, New Jersey, 1970
VOGEL 1981 S. Vogel, For spirits and kings. African Art from the Tishman Collection, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1981
VOGEL-N'DIAYE 1985 African Masterpieces from The Musée de l'Homme, New York, The Center for African Art, 1985
Riferimenti biliografici apparati dei bronzi
BRINCARD 1983 M.-T. Brincard, The Art of Metal in Africa, New York, The African-American Institute, 1982
BLANDIN 1988 A. Blandin, Bronzes et Autres Allianges, Marignane, 1988
SCHAEDLER 1997 K.-F. Schaedler, Earth and Ore, 2500 years of african art in terra-cotta and metal, Eurasburg, 1997
MEYER 1997 L. Meyer, Les Arts des métaux en Afrique noire, Saint-Maur, Sépia, 1997